Live love laugh

I find me and my girlfriend and my dogs all lying in bed cuddled up watching game of thorns I feel complete at the moment it is beautiful outside my dogs are happy and healthy and are sleeping like bears hibernating in the thick duvet I keep them healthy and safe and happy as could be they are as much apart of myself as I don’t know I am they are so loving caring and wonderful they know that they are mine they obey me and they will always love me and have my back I will always be happy to have the honor off owning them they are what I’m all about I wouldn’t be the same without my puppies they keep me alive I’ve been in some pretty sticky spots and my dogs pulled me out and made me realize that I am important and I have love and they are always happy to see me again and again every time I leave even if it’s for 5min they have a infinite heart always giving never taking anything else but there need to eat and be loved how could u want anything else I am thinking about adding another one to my pack one is getting older she is my favorite we have been thru so much together it’s so amazing how she has been so loyal and always been waiting when I have been gone whether it be an hour or a few months she waits for her daddy and I love her more than life she is my best friend and I can talk to her she understands me and I understand her it’s quite an amazing relationship between man and k9 I think they are adapting every single day and becoming smarter and more interesting than the last ones u would call it evolving I guess I am so proud to have my pups and I thank whatever is out there for bringing them to me and allowing me to spend there lives with them all u dog owners thank the world for them they are always special.thanks so much for reading

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